
Municipal Employees Benefits Program (MEBP) provides secure pension and benefit services (insurance and disability income) to employees and their families of Manitoba municipal and quasi-municipal organizations, in a cost effective manner.

The Administration for MEBP is being provided by Coughlin & Associates Ltd. since April 2017.

Should you need to speak with someone about Retirement or to set up an in-person visit, please call 1-800-432-1908 or email pensionrequestsMEBP@coughlin.ca 



August 19, 2024 - Group Insurance and Disability - Benefit Statements have been mailed, please notify our office if you did not recieve yours, or if you have information that needs updating.

June 2024 - 2023 Annual Pension Statement for all Active Members are now out in the mail.  If you do not receive your Statement by mid-July, please contact our office to confirm address.

June 2024 - A recording of the 2024 Retirement Planning Seminar is now available in the MEMBER section under Presentations.

February 22, 2024 - The T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Information tax slips will be mailed at the end of February to all pensioners, beneficiaries and former members who received a pension payment or lump sum cash refund in 2023.

January 1, 2024 - CHANGE TO BASIC PERSONAL AMOUNT - For all pensioners and beneficiaries in receipt of a monthly pension payment:  Back in July 2023 the Government of Manitoba increased the Basic Personal Amount from $10,855 to $15,000 retroactive to January 1, 2023.  As a result, a prorated Basic Personal Amount of $19,145 was applied to pension payments for the remainder of 2023 and many pensioners' and beneficiaries net deposits were higher due to the reduction to provincial income tax beginning with their July 2023 deposits.  As the Government of Manitoba further increased the Basic Personal Amount to $15,705 on January 1, 2024, some pensioners' and beneficiaries net deposits might decrease in 2024 compared to their deposits at the end of 2023.

January 1, 2024 - RATE CHANGE for Disability Contritbuions. Effective the 1st pay period in January 2024, the Disability Rate has been reduced from 1.7% to 1.6%.